TODAY’S MANNA for Saturday Dec. 16, 2017

God is not your problem, He is your answer!

Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? Prudent, and he shall know them? For the ways of the LORD are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein.
Hosea 14:9 King James Version

A wise man understands the ways of the Lord and His wisdom is the wise man’s wisdom, a prudent man knows the ways of the Lord for the Lord is His Shepherd. Why would a wise man want to understand or know the ways of the Lord? Because the JUST shall walk in the ways of the Lord (the just shall live by faith!), not just talk it, but live it every day. Are you one of the ‘Just’? Have you been ‘Justified by Jesus? Then I would think you would want to know of the Lord and have His wisdom in ALL that you do. How does one understand and know the ways of the Lord? Through His Word, through a personal daily relationship with the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ. If you want to understand and know God’s will for your life, you have to read, study, and meditate His Word for yourself daily. You have to have a personal, daily, no constant relationship with Jesus! You have to be filled with His Holy Spirit (the Teacher, the Guide, the Counselor, The Helper) so that He can give you revelation of the Word of God. You have to pray and fast regularly and listen to the voice of God when He speaks to you. You can’t rely on someone else’s reading, speaking, or experiences, you must get in there and find out for yourself, truly experience God, and let God speak to you through His Word and His Spirit. God can’t do anything for you until you release your faith for Him to work through you. God is not your problem like many people think, He is your answer!

Father I pray that You open the eyes of my understanding and flood my heart(my spirit man) with the hope of Your calling for me, that You reveal to me what is that glorious inheritance You have given to Your saints and heirs of salvation. That You reveal in my heart the exceeding greatness of Your power given to us who believe according to the working of Your mighty power. That power that You demonstrated in Christ when You raised Him from the dead and seated Him at Your own right hand in the heavenly places. Far above all the principalities, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named (this includes all disease and sickness and poverty and bondages), not only in this world, but also in the world which is to come. Thank You Father, that I have dominion, through Jesus, NOW IN THIS WORLD over all disease and sickness and poverty and bondages. How You, Father, have put all things under Jesus’ feet and have made Him the head over the Church, which is His body, yes WE are HIS body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. Father for this reason, seeing the greatness of this plan of Yours, by which I am built together with in Christ, I bow my knees before You and give You all praise and all glory forever and ever.
In the wonderful name of Jesus I pray.

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