TODAY’S MANNA for Sunday Mar. 9, 2025

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The Secret Place

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalms 91:1 New King James Version

Do you know how to find “The Secret Place?”
This is probably my most favorite verse in God’s Word! I love being in the “Secret Place” with God! Do you dwell (that means to live and abide constantly) in the Secret Place of “El Elyown”, the Most High God? Do you dwell (live and abide constantly) under the shadow of “El Shaddai”, The Almighty God? Of all the names for God those two are by far my favorites. The “Most High God, and The Almighty God”, there is NO other God like Him and NEVER will be. He is my all in all and everything you could ever need or want He can provide to you, if you trust in and rely on Him! No matter how we are attacked or persecuted if we are in that secret place of the Most High God no evil can befall us, no foe can touch us. Look closely at this verse. My God is the Most High God, there isn’t nobody, no other God, there ain’t nothing that’s as High and as ‘Big’ or as ‘Powerful’ as He is! He’s the Almighty, the most powerful, the all in all, He’s anything and everything you could possibly want or need! But you can’t be doing your own thing, you must abide in Him. You must walk and live and dwell in His shadow if you expect to receive from Him. You must allow Him to guide and direct your life. You must be in constant fellowship with Him and with His Word. His Word is life and health to all your flesh.

Holy Father God, thank You for being my Fortress and my Refuge in life’s storms. Thank You Lord that You have covered me over and have delivered me from all evil. Lord thank You that I can abide in that secret place with You at all times and that You are my comfort and my strength when I am weak. Thank You Lord for placing Your angels with charge over me to keep me in all my ways. Lord, thank You that when I set my love upon You, You deliver me from life’s trials and that You know my name! That You have called me by Your name. Through Jesus, my Lord and Savior, I offer my thanks and praise.

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