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The Throne Room of God
Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,
Hebrews 10:19 King James Version
Coming boldly into the Throne Room of God!
God says here in His Word that we are to have boldness to be able to enter into the Holiest of Holies. In the Old Testament only the Head Priest, and then only after much sacrificing could he even dare to enter the Holy of Holies. And he always had a rope tied around his ankle so they could pull his body out if he was struck dead because he was not properly cleansed and sanctified. But the reason for our boldness is not our works or our holiness, instead we are to come boldly based on what the Blood of Jesus has done for us. Jesus was our sacrifice to God and He was the perfect complete sacrifice! It’s the power of His Blood having cleansed us of all unrighteousness that allows us to come boldly before God’s throne of grace and mercy, not any works that we could ever do. The Blood that was shed ONCE for ALL sin and placed upon the heavenly altar of God a sacrifice for us. And now we can come boldly before the throne of God whenever we wish.
What can wash away my sins?
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!
Precious and Mighty Father, thank You for access into Your Holiest of Holies. Thank You Father that by Your mercy and grace, through the Blood of Your son Jesus, I can come boldly before Your Throne of Grace. Thank You Lord that though I was once unworthy and unrighteous, You have cleansed me and made me the righteousness of God through the precious Blood of my Lord Jesus. I thank You Father that Jesus has paid the full price for me and that I have been bought by His precious Blood. I thank You Father that You only look at me through the Blood of Jesus. In Jesus’ Holy name and by the power of His Blood I pray.