TODAY’S MANNA for Sunday Mar. 2, 2025

I’m appalled that Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT even obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
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Spiritual Food

And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.
John 6:35 King James Version

Are you eating the right kind of spiritual food?

Our physical bodies crave and need food at regular intervals throughout the day in order to maintain our physical health, strength, and well being. But sometimes we allow food to totally occupy our thoughts and fill up our activities during those times and even other times we let food occupy our thoughts when we shouldn’t. Because deep in our soul, in our spirit-man there is a hunger also, a spiritual hunger that cannot be filled or satisfied by physical food, drink, or other chemical substances (drugs and alcohol). This hunger is the desire pre-programmed into us by our Creator, placed there when He knit us together in our mother’s womb. Many will try and satisfy this spiritual hunger with the wrong kind of things and even the wrong spirit(s). They will seek after the occult and the things of the evil (that which is of the devil). They will seek after the things depicted by the Harry Potter series, Dungeon and Dragons and the likes. They will seek after false religions and other idols. It will seem that this satisfies that spiritual hunger, at least at first. This is because the devil is a liar, but eventually you will find that the spiritual hunger is still there. This hunger in our spirit can only be satisfied by fellowship with Jesus, with God, and with the Holy Spirit. We need to satisfy this hunger for Jesus by feeding on Him and His Word, by having a personal relationship with Him on a daily basis. By spending time with Him in prayer and meditating His Word daily. The physical body feeds almost constantly – shouldn’t your spirit also, after all we ARE a spirit that only lives temporarily in this fleshly body. Remember our spirit lives forever.

Father, thank You for Your Son Jesus. Give me today, my Daily Bread, that I may find life in all His fullness. Help me Lord to spend time with You and Your Word and help me Lord to have revelation knowledge of what I meditate and read in Your Word so that I may become more intimate with You. Precious Lord, Jesus my Savior and brother, fill me and touch me with Your presence so that I can serve You by blessing those around me with Your grace.

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