I’m appalled that Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT even obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
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Possess ALL that God has already given to you!
Therefore you shall keep every commandment which I command you today, that you may be strong, and go in and possess the land which you cross over to possess,
Deuteronomy 11:8 New King James Version
God is telling His people here to go in and possess the land that He has given to them. But there were conditions. How would they remain strong? They must keep His commandments so that they would be strong. Even though this was said to His people before they crossed the Jordan into the land He had given them it still applies to us today. So many people in the World today, especially many Christians, have forgotten God’s Commandments, not just the Ten Commandments (there are actually 613 commandments in His Word), but all of His Word. His whole Word is His Commandments to us. Morals are in rampant decay everywhere and lifestyles that not only appall men, but are abhorred by God abound everywhere and people think it should be okay. States are changing their laws to allow men to marry men & women to marry women and God is outraged by this! There is even denominations that are allowing homosexuals and lesbians to be ministers in their churches! This is WRONG! It goes against God’s Word! Read Romans chapter 1 very carefully!
These so-called Christians are NO more Christ-like than the world of heathens around us are. Christians must keep God’s Word in their hearts, so that we can be strong also. We must walk with integrity in our heart before both God and man, that we can go in and take possession of what God has already given us. Search out His Word and find out ALL that He has already given you. Ensure that you are circumspect and with integrity before man and God, then using the Word of God that you have hidden in your heart go in and take possession of what is yours! It belongs to Christians, not the worldly.
2 Chronicles 7:14 “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
It’s God’s Word not mine!
Most Holy God, thank You for Your Word and the many promises You have given us through Your Word. Help us to see those promises. Help us Father to remove the veil that has hidden them from Your church through the years. Help us Lord to be strong through Your Word and by Your Holy Spirit, lead and guide us in integrity before You, to do all that You have commanded us to do. Let You Holy Spirit lead us to all that You have already given us through Your word. In Jesus name, I pray.