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Praying For One Another
Since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Colossians 1:9 New International Version
Christians praying for other Christians what a concept!
Christians praying for Christians. Praying that each other would be filled the knowledge of God’s will through His Spiritual wisdom and understanding. Isn’t it gratifying to know that others are praying for your wisdom and understanding of God’s will for your life? But in order for you to get that wisdom and spiritual understanding you must be reading and meditating His Word daily and you must be praying for it and praying for others also. You must be doing His Word.
Of course one of the best prayers is the prayer that Paul prayed for the Colossian friends he had never met — “I ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.” Let’s pray that for each other daily. Denominationalism is a device of the devil designed to split and divide Christians, Jesus never told us to make denominations, in fact He: “Am I divided?” We need to look unto Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our Faith and to stand together and unite at this time more than at any other time past. Especially as we see the Day approaching soon.
Holy Father, I pray for the other believers who come before You Lord and seek to live for You. I pray especially for those who share in this daily manna e-mail listing with me. Even though we may all not know each other in the natural we can know each other by the spirit. We all know that our deepest need is to know You more each anad everyday and to live Your will and to be confident that we are known and loved by You. Father, continue to fill all of us with the knowledge of Your will through Holy Spirit-led wisdom and understanding. We want to know You, honor You, serve You, and ultimately see You face-to-face. Through our Lord and Savior Jesus, we pray.