TODAY’S MANNA for Sunday August 25, 2024

Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending soon! Say Goodbye!
I’m appalled that Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT even obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:


Be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Ephesians 5:1-2 New International Version


Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery known to mankind. We are to sincerely flatter God by being as much like Him as we can be. But imitation may also be the most costly form of flattery as well. You see, love for God is never something that occurs just in our minds or our hearts. Love is something we do for another, it is an action. John said in 1 John 4 that we must love in both our deeds and our words. Love means to give ourselves up, what we want, our rights, our desires, to honor God and serve others. To lay down our lives if need be, even as far as to death for another. This is a kind of love that can change the world, or a marriage, or a family, or the lost. It is known as ‘AGAPE’ Love, it’s unconditional love, it’s the God kind of love. It is not a physical, sexual based love. We need to live, walk, and talk the God kind of Love for others, just as He loves us.

Abba Father, I will never fully understand how You could love me so much that You would allow Your only begotten Son to die for me as my sacrifice. To pay the price for my sin. Please help me to love others sacrificially as Christ loves me. I know the power to do this is not within me or of myself, so please pour Your love into my heart, that I may share that love with others. Father, let Your Holy Spirit continually fill me and overflow me with Your love. Through Jesus, my Lord, my brother and my saviour, I pray.

Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending soon! Say Goodbye!
I’m appalled that Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT even obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

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