TODAY’S MANNA for Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2024

Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending!
Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
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God’s Divine Nature

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
2 Peter 1:4 King James Version

God’s Divine Nature

Did you know, we are called to participate in the divine nature of God by God Himself?
God made us in His Image, His Character and His Holiness, because He wanted us to be as much like Him as we could be. We were made not just to look like God, but also have His nature and character. We are called to participate in the divine nature of God Himself according to His Word. He has promised that if we have died with Christ in baptism, that we have then been seated in heavenly places with Christ. That we have then been made more than conquerors. We are assured that we will escape the corruption and destruction destined for the world. His promises are sure, they are eternal, and His Word will never change. He does not lie nor change His mind, if we will hearken unto His Word and follow it wholeheartedly we shall reap His precious promises!

Almighty God, my Everlasting Fortress, thank You for giving me Your great and precious promises. Help me Lord to understand them and to walk them out in my life. Lord, I long to know You more fully and to be able to see Your face today, just as I believe I will one day in heaven. Thank You for giving me the means to protect myself and my heart from this world’s corruption. Lord, help me through Your Holy Spirit to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh. In all love and appreciation of what You have given me, I pray, in the name of Jesus.

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