TODAY’S MANNA for Tuesday June 18, 2024

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Understanding the Covenant of Jesus

Brethren, I speak in the manner of men: Though [it is] only a man’s covenant, yet [if it is] confirmed, no one annuls or adds to it. Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, “And to your Seed,” who is Christ. And this I say, [that] the law, which was four hundred and thirty years later, cannot annul the covenant that was confirmed before by God in Christ, that it should make the promise of no effect.
Gal 3:15-17 New King James Version

Do you understand the Covenant Jesus Made for you with God?
Really understand it?
We are partakers of a covenant that was confirmed in Christ Jesus, a covenant that cannot be annulled or made of no effect. Notice that I didn’t say that, God did in His own Word! Even the ‘Law’ (the commandments & laws given to Moses, all 613 of them) did not, will not, and can not change the terms of the covenant God made with Abraham 430 years before He gave Moses the Law & the Ten Commandments. I didn’t say that, God’s WORD did! Look it up for yourself, don’t believe it just because I reprinted it here. The ‘Old Covenant’ really is the second covenant God made with mankind, not the first. If you are not under the Covenant of Jesus, then you are under the old covenant. If you are under the old then you are under a religious spirit of men and not the Holy Spirit of God.
The commandments & the rest of the Law (all 613 of them) were given to Moses because of a people who had turned from God. They were given to be as a teacher to them to point the way to Jesus. They were given to show mankind the sin they were in so that they might turn from sin to God.

Father, my prayer is simple. Impart by revelation unto me and all your people the full meaning of Your new covenant to me and to them, a covenant made with Abraham and his seed before the ‘Law’ was. I know that we are partakers of that covenant also through the blood of Jesus, but instill in us the full meaning of this covenant. Show us Lord each and every benefit of this covenant. Show us Lord what we have, who we are, and What we can do being in Christ. Also Lord show us our part in keeping this covenant and what the penalties are for breaking it. In the Holy name of Jesus, Lord I ask this.

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