TODAY’S MANNA for Wednesday June 5, 2024

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Know who you are in Christ

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16 King James Version

You must know who you are in Christ, do you?

God said confess Your faults one to another. He said confess your faults to who? Not a man in confessional booth, hiding behind a screen, expecting you to call him “father”! I can’t find that anywhere in any Bible translations that I have read and studied. How do we get healed? Praying one for another! Doesn’t say anything about saying ‘hail Marys’ or counting beads. That’s religious church doctrine strait from the Pharisees and Sadducees of old! Then He goes on to say that the “effectual fervent prayer” by a man that is in right standing with Him (God the Father) accomplishes much. How is a man in right standing before God? Answer: He is one who has given his life over to Jesus Christ to be his Lord and Savior, one who is cleansed by the Blood of Jesus, that is a man in right standing before God. Any “Born again” believer!
The word translated from the Greek here as ‘effectual’ means : to be active, efficient, be mighty in, shew forth self, work (effectually in). To be “on fire-white hot!”
We must renew our way of thinking, You say, “Well if I were righteous I would do that!” Do you know who you are in Christ? Are you His child? Are you bon again? Have you made Jesus your Lord and Savior? “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.” Gal 3:26 Are you a born again believer who has made Jesus Christ your Lord? Then you are righteous before God! (2 Cor 5:21 KJV) “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.”
Because of what Jesus has done for us on the Cross, we are righteous. I didn’t say that, the Word of God did!

Father, I thank You for Your Word. I thank You that You have set forth Your will for us in Your Word. Father, I thank You that You have told us we should pray for one another. That You have actually given us authority in Your Word to pray for one another. I thank You Lord that I know my prayers are heard by You and that they accomplish much because I am righteous in Your eyes. Jesus has made me so with His precious Blood. Help me Lord to keep my heart pure and to do Your bidding Lord. In Jesus’ Holy name and by the power of His precious Blood I pray.

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