TODAY’S MANNA for Saturday June 1, 2024

Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending end of month!
Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
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Christ Died For You

Christ died for sin once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit.
1 Peter 3:18 New International Version

Do you understand that Christ Died For You?
Having stood in recent years over the open graves of loving family members and dear friends, I know the appearance and feel of death’s finality on our human frailty. But I was reminded of Christ’s death for us. I was reminded that He died for me! His death for us not only included His burial, but also His resurrection unto eternal Life! He was raised from the grave and placed at the Father’s right hand in heaven by the Spirit of God. And then He promised that I (you and me) could have a place beside Him at the Father’s right hand!
Knowing that my family members and friends who have left this physical life and who were in Christ and He in them, I also know that He has raised them up to heavenly places with Himself just as He was raised up from the dead to sit at the right hand of the Father on the Throne. Death in this physical realm is not the end —it is but the beginning of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. I believe God raised Jesus from the dead and that He is the first fruits of those of us who believe in Him. That He is the first born of many brethren, and I have a number among those brethren! He is alive, not just in Spirit, but in glorified bodily form seated with the Father in Heaven, and so am I also! Remember, Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father forever making intercession for those of us who belong to Him. That’s something to confess for the new year that’s upon us.

Almighty God, thank You for the gifts of Your grace, Your Mercy, Your Holy Spirit, forgiveness and life. Most of all, thanks for the gift of Your Son, Dad. Who brought redemption and eternal life to me through His Blood, shed for my salvation. While I have no great desire to die in the natural, I know I can look beyond physical death to You and Your victory in Jesus for me. Please continue to give me the courage and the strength through Your Holy Spirit to live every day for you. In the Glorious name of Jesus I pray.

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