TODAY’S MANNA for Friday May 24, 2024

Beware the company you keep!

I wrote you in my [previous] letter not to associate [closely and habitually] with unchaste (impure) people. – 1 Corinthians 5:9, The Amplified Bible

Beware the company you keep!

Yep, that’s right and it is from the Bible word for word and God said it.
The company you keep has such an influence on your spiritual life. Fellowshipping with godly people will help speed you on to victory, while fellowshipping with those who are ungodly, immoral, LGBTQ, homosexual, witches and witchcraft, demonic, or whatever else will drag you down to defeat. That’s why God has said in His Word: “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” ( Heb 10:25)

That’s why the Bible has some things to say about your friends. That’s why it tells you to separate yourself from the world. Because the world and its evil, immoral companions will corrupt you. This is not talking about ministry, where you are actively out ministering to the lost. Jesus Himself ministered to sinners. You have to mix with them to preach to them and pray for them. But, you do NOT, should NOT let them make you become like them! What the Bible is talking about here are the people you choose for your close friends. Your buddy buddies, your best mates, the people you spend your leisure time with. The people you rub shoulders with on a regular basis.

If you want to walk in the things of the Lord, don’t choose friends who walk in the things of the world, people who talk and act ungodly, who don’t give God any place in their lives, people who lust after sex and money and other immoral things. They’ll pull you down. As you rub shoulders with them, you’ll expose yourself to temptation. You’ll get so familiar with sin it will start to appear less repulsive to you. Sooner or later, you’ll fall into it.

So choose your friends wisely. Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (2 Tim. 2:22 ) Fellowship with those who call on the Name of the Lord out of a pure heart. Expose yourself to their love and peace. Let their faith rub off on you!

Father, I just want to thank You that You have sent Christ to me as an example of how to live and to love others. You said in Your Word that we should not forsake fellowship with each other. Father, let Your Holy Spirit give me the want to, the strength to, and the power I need to live by faith in You and what Jesus has already done for me. Strengthen me day by day as I walk with You. Lead and guide me into the “Christ-like” life style everyday. Show me how to avoid relationships with those who would distract me from the business You have for me, from the lifestyle that You would have me to live. Draw me ever closer to Your side and strengthen my spirit man from within. Help me to become God inside minded and to walk and talk as Christ did always. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
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