TODAY’S MANNA for Thursday, May 23, 2024

Who’s Traditions Do You Follow?

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the traditions of men (change your thinking and cause you to stray from the Word of God), after the rudiments of the world (doctrines of men and of demons), and not after Christ.
Colossians 2:8 King James Version Italics added to add clarity to what is being spoken.

Who’s Traditions Do You Follow?

Which do you follow the ‘traditions of men’ or the ‘Word’ of God? Some so-called churches are full of traditions of men, church traditions and not the things of Jesus. Jesus or God are no where to be found in some so-called churches! These are not desirable Christian churches to spend time in.

Watch and pray, that’s what Jesus told His disciples in the garden. Lest you be deceived. You can’t just watch and you can’t just pray. You must do both! Take everything that comes your way: talk, videos, tapes, radio, television, church traditions, written correspondence, books, etc. and pass what it says or depicts through the ‘filter’. The filter of Jesus Christ and Him crucified for us. The Word of God. It doesn’t matter who or where it’s coming from, pass it through the filter! Paul warned the church at Galatia, “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” I don’t care if it’s the preacher at the church your family has gone to since great-great-great-great-great grandpa, or if it’s your favorite televangelist, the priest at the local catholic church or methodist minister, or whomever. It doesn’t matter who is saying it, if it doesn’t line up with Jesus Christ and Him crucified for us, with the Word of God…chuck it out quick! There are tons of sayings out there that people attribute to the Word of God or the Bible that are just plain twisted scripture at best, some are just old wives tales and they are NOT God’s Holy Word or in the Bible! There are some scripture that are not God’s Word or desires for you, but are just thing said by men and cited for reference in the Bible. Know what you are hearing and reading. There are even some teachings in churches and by so-called pastors that do not come from the Word of God at all in anyway, don’t allow them to get planted in you! Guard what you allow to pass through your eye gate, your ear gate, and to come out of your mouth gate. Check it yourself with your own Bible. Because whatever passes through these gates is what gets into your heart. Do NOT be deceived into following the traditions of men or the”church”, make sure it is really from the Word of God! Remember, “for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” “Keep (guard) your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.” Prov. 4:23

Many will NOT like what I say here because I speak and relate the true WORD OF GOD, not traditions of men and church history that is taught in seminaries and other such places.

Precious Father, help me to put a guard on my heart. Help me Father by giving me the wisdom and revelation knowledge of Jesus Christ and Him crucified for me. Let Your Holy Spirit always remind me to pass everything through Your Holy filter. That I may discern that which is of true value and is truly edifying according to Your Word. And to be able to shut out, turn off, or otherwise disconnect from that which is not in line with Your precious Word.
In Jesus’ name I pray.

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Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
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