TODAY’S MANNA for Wednesday May 22, 2024

The Easy Way!

“Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”
Matthew 7:13-14 New King James Version

There are many in this world who take the easy way!

The world wants an easy way (the wide gate and the broad way, the worldly way, the I don’t have to do anything, EASY way.) Most of the churched people just want a Savior only (fire insurance against the coming fire of judgment), if that, but not a Lord of their life. A true Christian is one who wants Jesus to be the “Lord” of their lives. A Lord is one who governs our lives in all aspects. Most are not willing to allow Jesus to be their Lord as well as their Savior, and He must be your Lord before He can truly be your Savior! Most still want to do the things of the world all week long and then come on Sunday morning and expect God to bless them. Some even only make it to church once in a while or on special occasions and still think He should be their Savior. But Jesus wants you fulltime, He wants a daily fellowship with you. The way to the full and righteous Life and to Godliness is narrow and the only way in is through the narrow gate, through Jesus. There is ONLY ONE way in to the Father and that is through Jesus, not some other god or great white spirit. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6) He also said in His Word: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Heb. 10:25) Both of those are pretty clear to me, there is no other way to the Father or to everlasting life, except through Jesus! NO other religion or NO other prophet, or NO other so-called god or great white spirit is going to get you there, only Jesus. And we are supposed to be a part of a congregation or fellowship, a church, as we call it today! Not loners – loving Jesus by ourselves! That is NOT His Way! And certainly not forsaking Him and living in sin and immorality as is most of the world today. Those who practice sin and immorality will be judged accordingly on judgment day and it cannot be avoided.
The New Testament is clear, a Savior who is not Lord also is not a Savior and no friend. It has to be more than just knowing about Jesus and God. It has to be knowing them personally and daily! Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, speaking doctrines of men that are not found in the Word of God, or are the Word of God that has been twisted and misaligned for their purposes. These are nothing more than ravenous wolves whose sole purpose is to lead you astray where they can devour you. You shall know them by their fruits. Let’s not only make Jesus Lord and Savior, let’s live in a way that shows that He controls our lives and that His Spirit within us produces our character, which is His character, from within.

Most Holy Father, these are my hands, my feet, my tongue, my body, and most of all my heart. I present them to You this day, from this day forward please take control of my life and my will so I may be wholly yours, not just in word, but in thought and in deed as well. Today Lord, I lay my life and my will at Your feet and I take up Your life and Your will for me.
In Jesus’ name.

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