Jesus, your mediator before the Father
There is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men.
1 Timothy 2:5-6 New International Version
Is Jesus your mediator before Father God right now?
I do not intend to put down any one’s church or religion here, only to point out the truth in God’s Word.
We do not need another person, no matter how mighty, how pious, how religious, how saintly, or how special; to intercede for us before God. We do not need a priest and a confessional box, that is NOT scriptural according to the Bible. We do not need Mary or some other saint, that is NOT scriptural according to the Bible. After all every Christian is a ‘saint’ according to God’s Word! We do NOT have to be canonized by the Pope to become a “Saint”! All we need is Jesus as our Lord and our savior. I didn’t say that, God did in His Word. As His children, bought by the precious blood of the Lamb, Jesus, we can go freely before our Father God, knowing that God Himself has provided the perfect mediator between us and Himself. That mediator alone is Head of THE Church and Chief Priest before God for us. His name is Christ Jesus, our Lord. NO other person is worthy enough to stand before God Almighty on our behalf except Him. No One period! I didn’t say that, God did in His Word. You need not direct your prayers to anyone except Father God, but always through the name of Jesus. He is our only link to God the Father! There is NO OTHER WAY, NONE! To understand this you must understand God’s Word and not some doctrine of man given as church history. WE are warned in God’s Word about men deceiving the saints through doctrines of men and demons.
Father God, You and You alone are my God, and I praise You for making Yourself so available. I know that in my own power and ability, I have no right to approach You. Yet in Your grace and by Your mercy You not only provided a ransom for my sin, sickness, disease, and poverty, but a mediator and an advocate to stand before You and make my approach to You possible. Jesus, I thank You as well, for paying the price and staying at the Father’s side to intercede and speak for me on my behalf! Thank You for representing me before the Father as one of Yours. Thank You for making this prayer known to the Father. For truly no man comes unto the Father, except through You, Jesus.
In Your name, Jesus, I pray.
Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
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