Being Compassionate
Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; Not returning evil for evil, or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.
1 Peter 3:8-9 New King James Version
Do you show compassion?
Are you compassionate, courteous, & loving to one another?
We have been commanded by God’s Word to be compassionate, courteous, loving and a blessing to our brothers and sisters. God wants us to live together in harmony and peace, to give forth the ‘Agape’ (God’s kind of love) love just as He has called us to do. He does not want us to be like the world and get even with people when they are evil to us, but rather we are to bless them. In fact He has told us to set a table before our enemies. To pray for our enemies. If we will do so He says we shall inherit a blessing. Can you imagine the world inviting their enemies for dinner!
Father, thank You for providing us Your Word as our Guide in our life. Our ‘Manual For Life’ is Your Word. Father, I confess that I have let my own over-sensitive carnal self be offended, and have often reacted with pettiness when my brothers and sisters in Christ have not treated me as I felt I deserved. I have let those world offend me at times. I know Jesus was treated rudely and shamefully by those he created and loved, so I know I shouldn’t be surprised. But Father, please help me to know when to challenge those who wound me with a loving confrontation and when to just ignore the barb and minister love to them. Father, help me be an instrument of Your love, peace, harmony, and unity. In Jesus’ precious name I pray.
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