Laying Up Your Treasure
Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days. Give a serving to seven, and also to eight, For you do not know what evil will be on the earth.
Ecclesiastes 11:1-2 New King James Version
Do you know how to Lay Up Your Treasure?
Cast your bread upon the waters, bread is representative of money or wealth when used in the context here. Casting it on the waters is representative of sowing it into the Kingdom of God for His work. The world lays up treasure for a rainy day by placing it in stocks and bonds and savings or just in a sock under their mattress. Stocks and bonds aren’t a very good place right now with the conditions of the financial market the way they are today. But Christians are supposed to sow into the Kingdom for a rainy day (a day when times of evil will befall the earth and overtake mankind). God will take care of you when these times come if you have sown into His Kingdom, Just like he took care of Elijah during the famine. If you have laid up treasure in heaven, if you believe that He will, God will take care of you. Since I have put my faith in Him, even since retirement and much less income, I have never seen lack. I have always had more than enough, my wife and I eat out more now than we ever did when I was working. If fact there has always been more than enough so that I could do good works for Him in His Kingdom and still have ALL my needs met. God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and this principle totally confounds those of the world. How giving tithes and offerings and helping the poor (sowing) could lay up a treasure for your time of need. They don’t understand how God’s Kingdom works, yet the world uses it without even knowing it for other things. Just look at God’s principal of ‘Seed time and harvest!’ Some of you reading this claim to know and understand the tithing principle and yet you are NOT tithing! (Cindy, John, Charles, Melinda – God knows who you are!) God will only allow you to skate for so long before He removes His hand of protection from you and allows the Devil to come in! You know who you are, and so does God.
Precious Father in heaven, reveal unto your people the secrets of Your Kingdom. As a father instructs his children, instruct us in Your ways. Teach us , Holy One, to do things Your way, to learn to put aside the things of this earth and to learn to sow spiritual seeds into Your Kingdom for a time when our harvest will come forth from the very windows of heaven. For a time as Your Word says, that You will open the Windows of heaven and pour out upon us more blessings than we can contain. Father, help us to see into Your spiritual realm beyond that which the natural eyes can see. In Jesus’ name I pray.
God does NOT forget nor does He change.
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