TODAY’S MANNA for Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2020

You Must Worship God In And From Your Spirit

God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.
John 4:24 New King James Version

You must worship God in and from your spirit, your inner most heart and soul.
Genuine worship is a gift, it is something we are given by the spirit when we are born again unto God. Since God is spirit (a spiritual being), since He is holy, we cannot fully approach Him without the free gift of His grace, the cleansing of His Son’s Blood, and the blessing of His Holy Spirit. As Christians who received His Spirit when we were baptized into Christ and born again of God’s Spirit, we can now speak to Him and worship Him spirit to Spirit. In fact, we can ONLY worship Him in spirit, our natural man can not communicate with His Spirit. But we must also worship him in truth, the true knowledge of who He is and what He has done for us will cause you to worship Him from your heart (your spirit man). Through this worship by the spirit you will truly come to know and have a personal relationship with God the Father!

Abba Father, by the gift of Your Spirit I come to You as Your child. Thank You so much for giving, Your Son to redeem me, Your Holy Spirit to make me a new creation, and filling me anew each and every day with Your Holy Spirit so that I can approach You with confidence and know You hear the concerns of my heart. Please accept the worship of my heart, of my words, and of my actions. May the things I do today be done in spirit and in true knowledge of who and what You are in my life. May I bring You glory and Honor forever.
In Jesus’ name I pray.

God does NOT forget nor does He change.

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