TODAY’S MANNA for Monday Sept. 28, 2020

We Are Not Judges

Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:
Luke 6:37 King James Version

Did you know that we are not to be judges or to judge others? The Word of God instructs us not to be judgmental or condemning toward others lest we ourselves be judged. If we are so busy passing judgment and condemnation on others then we can not see our own transgressions and therefore we will also be judged by men and especially by God. But God went even further than telling us not to judge or condemn. God would instead have us to forgive and to share love, His love with others. He would have us to forgive even our enemies through love, so that He can forgive us. (Mark 11:25) Not just say we forgive them, and then not let pass what we have against them, but to give it up and let it go, not remembering what we had against our enemies. You can not forgive something if you say to them: “I forgive you, but I’ll never forget what you did!” You must also forget it and let God deal with it or it is NOT forgiven! To actually pray for and bless them instead! Remember, God is Love!

Holy Father in heaven help me to walk in Your love and forgiveness here and now on this earth. Father, by Your grace, let me not judge or condemn even an enemy of mine. Instead Father, help me to show loving kindness and forgiveness even in the face of scorn and malice, that they may know Your love. Father help me to produce the fruit of righteousness that will uphold and build up the reputation of Christianity before the world. In Jesus’ name I pray.

God does NOT forget nor does He change.

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