TODAY’S MANNA for Tuesday Sept. 15, 2020

Being Holy

Just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”
1 Peter 1:15-16 New International Version

“Holy” is one of those words we generally associate with the religious people (Pharisees & Sadducees) — a word only “religious church folks” (those who live under the Law – the Ten Commandments & Jewish Law) use. That may be true for them, but it’s not God’s definition of Holy. God’s definition of Holy is to be consecrated unto Him and to be made pure through Him. Holy is still a great concept though. Every kid knows that you don’t eat hot dogs and potato chips on Mom’s best china. Mom’s china is reserved for “special company” or “special occasions.” Or is it? Should it be? When God is calling us to be holy, He’s calling us to be like fine china — something special just for Him, and as Peter emphasizes, just like Him (JESUS). The Greek word translated here as holy could also have been translated: sacred, pure, blameless or better yet just consecrated unto God. God wants us to be set apart from the world – but also consecrated unto Him. God wants us to stand out as not being like the world around us, but different. Different in that we are like Him Holy and Righteous in the eyes of God regardless of what is going on around us. Different in that the light and love of God shines forth from us to those around us that we meet. That is what being Holy is about.


Holy Lord, Almighty God , I come before You knowing how great the distance is between Your holiness and my commonness. But, I thank You for making me holy and righteous through the sacrifice of Jesus and by sending Your Holy Spirit to live inside of me. Please receive my life today as a holy offering to You. Empower me to become and live the righteousness of You. Through Jesus, the pioneer and perfector, the author and the finisher of my faith I pray.

God does NOT forget nor does He change.

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