TODAY’S MANNA for Friday Sept. 11, 2020

Take God with you wherever you go

Have not I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 New International Version

Never alone. What a promise. No matter where you are God’s presence is there also, if you are a born again believer with God living inside you that is. What Psalm 139 emphasizes later, Joshua heard first hand. Basically God said to Joshua: I will go with you, and us (God is no respecter of persons), through all the seasons of life, through all our ups and downs, through temptations and triumphs, even through death. God will always be with us and He will always make a way for us where there doesn’t seem to be a way, if we will only rely on and listen to Him. When my sister lie on her death bed she told me; “I win either way!” She knew God was with her! On the darkest night, in loneliest place, far from family and friends, we are never alone if we are in Christ and He is in us. So we can take courage and feel His strength. Call upon the Lord and He is there. Be strong in the Lord and in His strength, we are not alone!

Precious Father who is and was and is to come, thank You for being there and staying there when all others have forsaken and left me. You are the one constant in my life, life which is so full of change. Father thank You for Your Holy Angels which You have given charge over me, that they keep me in all my ways and protect me from evil. Help me become more steadfast and faithful in my commitments and relationships to honor You, glorify You, and to learn more about You. Lord empower me with Your Spirit to want more of You and less of the world. Through the Blood of Jesus I pray.

God does NOT forget nor does He change.

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