TODAY’S MANNA for Tuesday Sept. 8, 2020

Resistance Is Acceptable

Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
1 Peter 5:8-9 New International Version

Resistance is acceptable as long as it is toward the devil and not God!
Resist the devil and he will flee. Notice that the verse says we must be self-controlled and alert! We must do our part first. Notice also that is says the devil is looking for someone whom he can devour. He can only do that if we allow him to! The devil (Satan not Lucifer) is real, whether you believe it or not. He and his power, and 1/3 of the angels that chose to follow him when he was cast out of heaven (He became Satan then –no longer Lucifer), are here on this earth and their only intention is to bring harm and discord to our lives. Satan is the father of all lies and the devil only comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But let’s not spend our time worrying about him and what he’s doing. Notice it said that the devil was looking for whom he can devour. That means you must be able to be devoured or he can’t touch you! How do you stay un-devourable? Be COMPLETELY IN JESUS. Be so full of God, His Word, and the Holy Spirit that there just isn’t any room left for even the smallest things to scrunch in. Let’s just resist him and his demon cohorts and when we are tempted let’s just focus on Jesus. Jesus has already defeated Satan and his bunch, He’s the one who triumphed over Satan, hell, death, and the grave. He made a show of the devil openly and then Jesus gave us the keys to hell, death, and the grave. He gave us His Name to use to resist the devil. My victory is already assured me in and through Jesus, my Lord! Satan trembles at the name of Jesus and he will flee if he knows Jesus is living in you. You can’t make the devil run, but Jesus living and working inside you can. Just knowing about Jesus isn’t enough. It did help the seven sons of Sceva at all! They knew about Jesus and Paul, but the demons still tore them up! Because they did not know Jesus personally. Make sure you are abiding in the shadow of the Almighty and then Let him know Jesus is living in you!

Thank you, Father God, for sending Your Son Jesus to break the evil one’s power over us. Through the death of Jesus and His triumph You have assured me that I can live life more abundantly, that I have power over the evil one through Jesus. Father I thank You that through Jesus I have a relationship and an everlasting covenant of life with You. Today, however, I thank You that You have made me victorious through Christ who strengthens me. In Jesus name, I pray.

God does NOT forget nor does He change.

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