TODAY’S MANNA for Monday Jan. 27, 2020

Being Quick To Listen And Slow To Speak

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.
James 1:19 New International Version

Hit the gas pedal on your ears, but have a dual caliper, double cylinder, anti-skid, power assisted disc brake on your tongue and on your attitude, and don’t let anything anger you without seeking God first. Let the email or text that angers you sit there three or four days before responding to it and then make sure you read your answer, re-read it, re-read it, and edit it, then re-read it again, and then pray in the Holy Ghost about sending it. Better yet just delete the offending email or text and any reply that you were going to send and then praise God and pray for the sender. It would be better if you just deleted it, prayed for the person who sent it, and forgot about it. This says the same thing as James says above, except in more modern terms. Now if we would just do it, wouldn’t we all be so much more blessed! Next time a brother or sister, or for that matter anyone, says or does something that could anger you stop for a moment and ask yourself this before you do or say anything: “What would Jesus do right now?” “How would Jesus handle this” There were times when people wanted to stone Him and He just turned and walked back through their midst and walked away. He didn’t repay anger with anger, instead He used love.

Mighty and Holy God, You are incredible beyond my comprehension. Father God, help us to understand Your ways. How You put up with all the drivel, the senseless, and hurtful speech that I and Your other children spew out is beyond my understanding. I ask that You release Your Holy Spirit to convict our hearts and help us to guard our lips from any form of hurtful, harmful speech. Lord, I want my voice and my actions to be as much if not more Yours than mine. Make my thoughts as Your thoughts and my peace as Your peace. This I pray through Jesus.

God has said He will deal with those who are supposed to be helping with support and I should continue.

God does NOT forget nor does He change.

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