Monthly Archives: June 2024

TODAY’S MANNA for Sunday June 30, 2024

You Are a Conqueror

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
Romans 8:35-37 New International Version

You Are a Conqueror!
Understand this! We are Conquerors! We win!! But, not just conquerors, we are more than conquerors!! When you open up the final book of the Bible, Revelation, and read and study it, that is the message you will receive. We are more than conquerors! We have won! Christians win because Jesus is the one true conqueror, and HE has already won for us. No matter how the battle is going for you right now, remember that in the end, we win! If you will not give up, you can not lose, Jesus has already won for you! If you are walking with Jesus and have put your trust in Him and don’t give up – you Win!

El Shaddai, God Almighty, Father of more than enough, thank You for securing the ultimate victory for me by raising Jesus from the dead. I know He is coming with victory on the day You have appointed, but I pray that I may live victoriously for You until that day. Jesus told us when we pray: “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” I know that there is victory in heaven, so Father I thank You that Your will be done now, here on earth, in my life. That I AM victorious now through the Blood of Christ.
As Jesus told us to pray, I pray now through Jesus my conquering King, in His Name, the name of Jesus.

Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending end of month!
Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

TODAY’S MANNA for Saturday, June 29 2024

Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending end of month!
Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

Sowing vs Reaping

The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.
James 3:17-18 New International Version

What kind of sowing are you doing? Before you can reap you must first sow! Do NOT expect a harvest without first sowing some seed.
Now I know why righteousness is so hard to find: there aren’t many peace sowers! Just watch those around you and you’ll see what I mean. Heavenly wisdom is full of the fruits of sacrificial action, the action of sowing in peace. That’s a powerful reminder to me that wisdom is not what you know, but indeed it’s what you sow! AND, in knowing what not to sow. Because you can’t change the spiritual or natural laws of “sowing and reaping!” You will reap what you sow. Are you sowing for a loving peaceful harvest? Or are you sowing worldly wisdom, which really isn’t wisdom in the long run, but is instead folly. God wants us to embrace His Godly wisdom, not the world’s wisdom.
What kind of sowing are you doing? God’s kind? Before you can reap of God’s goodness you must first sow His kind of sowing!

Holy and Wise Father, thank You for demonstrating purity, peace making, consideration, submissiveness, mercy, good fruit, impartiality, sincerity, and most of all love through Your Son Jesus. I ask You to continue to fill me with Your power and the courage to demonstrate those qualities as I seek to live more like Jesus.
In Jesus’ name I pray.

TODAY’S MANNA for Friday June 28, 2024

Let God complete His Love in you!

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.
1 John 4:11-12 New International Version

Will you Let God complete His Love in you?
Can you imagine what an honor it is to have the Creator of the universe, the Lord God Almighty, living inside of you! But when we love each other, that is exactly what happens. When our hearts are full of love, there is a place made for God and we fulfill His desire for us. He allows us into His Secret Place. When our hearts are not full of love, we leave God little room to do His Work in us. Instead we leave an open door for the evil one to come in and take up residence and produce his sinful character in us. Let God complete His love in you. Love one another with the ‘God kind of’ love!

Abba Father, it is so comforting to know that You are not far away – that I live in You and You live in me. Help me see others with Your eyes, and respond to their needs with Your heart, so that Your love may be complete in me. In Jesus’ name I pray.

Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending end of month!
Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

TODAY’S MANNA for Thursday June 27, 2024

Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

Ever Increasing Love

We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing.
2 Thessalonians 1:3 New International Version

Do you have Ever Increasing Love?
“Increase my faith, O Lord.” “Increase my strength,” “Increase my wisdom,” “Increase my knowledge.” We often pray for these things, but when is the last time you thanked God for your love increasing? Is your love for others ever increasing? Can you think of anything more exciting to say about your church (your brothers and sisters in Christ) than “The love every one of you has for each other is ever increasing!” “Increase my Love, O Lord.” Let’s pray and act to make it so! God will then add the rest unto us.

Holy Father, may Your love so fill us that we cannot help but share it with everyone we come in contact with, especially others who call on Your name as we do. May this love grow and increase in our lives so others may readily see its benefits and recognize that it is a direct response to Your lavish love shared on us through Jesus. In Jesus, Name, I pray.
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

TODAY’S MANNA for Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending end of month!
Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

Love Your Enemies

But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward shall be great, and you shall be the sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil.
Luke 6:35 New King James Version

Did you know we are to love our enemies?
As Christians we are supposed to do and act like our Precious Lord did when He walked on this earth. He says we are to love our enemies and do good to and for them. If we show forth His love to those who are in need and those who would despise and use us, to those where we know we will not get a return back from, then we will receive His reward. He will receive us as His children, children of the most High God. Heirs to the Kingdom of righteousness. And we show forth the true meaning of Christianity — being “Christ” like!

Father I thank You that You have not asked us to do something that You have not already done Yourself and that You have not already equipped us to do. For You have given us Your grace, Your mercy, and Your strength to cope with the things of this world. You have given us a Name that is above all other names. That You sent forth Your Son Jesus, my Lord and Savior, because You so loved the world. The strength and grace You sent through Him more than equips me to carry out Your will. Thank You Father, for the reward You have reserved in heaven for me and for the blessings bestowed upon me now and for the grace to continue to do Your will here on earth. Father I give You all praise and glory in Jesus’ wonderful name.

Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending end of month!
Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

TODAY’S MANNA for Tuesday June 25, 2024

The Secret of God’s A.S.K. Principal

If any of you lacks wisdom he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
James 1:5 New International Version

Do you know and understand the secret of God’s A.S.K. principal?
Wisdom is that illusive quality we respect in others, especially in our leaders, and yet find so difficult to develop in our own lives. Solomon asked for it with a pure heart and God gave him great wisdom and also much, much more. God promises wisdom to those who truly, from their heart ask for it. But remember the secret of God’s A.S.K. principal;
Asking, Seeking, and Knocking. Or better yet, check out Proverbs 2:1-11. Wisdom is ours only if we seek it with all our heart and above all other possessions and if we value it above all other diversions. God longs to impart it, but there is something about wisdom that demands we value it before we can receive it.

Heavenly Father, one who gives all good gifts, please continue to bless me with increased wisdom today and tomorrow and from this day forward. Let me reflect Your will and live for Your glory in all my decisions. Let Your Spirit guide my heart as I make my choices and have Your Holy Spirit lead me in all Your ways. I confess, Father, that I cannot guide my own steps without Your help. So grant me wisdom this day Lord to be able to know Your will for my life and follow Your will in all I do. In Jesus name I pray.

Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending end of month!
Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

TODAY’S MANNA for Monday, June 24, 2024

Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending end of month!
Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

Peace that passes all understanding

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15 New International Version

Peace – wouldn’t it be wonderful to always have total peace in everything you did or said? Through Jesus, we can have true peace (shalom) – wellness in body, soul, and spirit. His relationships with others, His victory over sin, death and the grave ensures that we can have that peace, too! That is, if He is your Lord & Savior! So as we receive the Spirit of Christ into our hearts, we can live with our brothers and sisters, no matter how flawed we may be, in a state of peace and love. Peace that passes all understanding, peace that comes only from having a daily relationship with Jesus. Besides, as Paul changes metaphors on us in the last part of the verse, we are the Body of Christ and of course a body does not want to be at war with itself. So live in peace and love with others, and do so with thanksgiving in your hearts, getting our strength and peace from our relationship with God through Jesus our Lord! Because we know Christ Jesus is, “The Truth, The Way, and The Life.” There is no other way!

Blessed Father of all believers, please help me to change my heart so that I can love Your people as You do. I know that as the character of Jesus permeates my life, I will appreciate the preciousness of each of Your children more and will come to see those difficult family members as the grit out of which You will fashion my pearl. I pray that You will continue to give me grace and peace until my heart matches my commitment to love all of Your children just as You love each of them. Through the Blood of Jesus I pray.

Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending end of month!
Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

TODAY’S MANNA for Sunday, June 23, 2024

Do you wait for or wait on the Lord?

But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

Many people read this and believe that it means they are to wait for the Lord to do something for them. They don’t discern the difference between ‘wait on’ and ‘wait for’. To wait on means that you are serving and taking care of, while wait for means that you are waiting for something to happen. A waiter or waitress does NOT wait for the customers, they WAIT ON the customers, they serve them! See the difference there? Those that are waiting on the Lord are serving Him and in turn He will renew their strength. If you are waiting for Him, you will be waiting a long long time because He is waiting until you to ‘wait on’ (serve with your whole heart and soul) Him. Wait on is a the accurate translation of the Hebrew and more clearly describes what the Lord is requiring here of His people. To those waiting ‘for’ the Lord enjoy the wait, it’ll be a long long wait.

Father, I pray that the eyes of our understanding would opened and that the knowledge of your wisdom would be made clear to us. That your Word would come alive in our hearts and that we would know and understand your will for our lives. That we might be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height, to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that we may be filled with all the fullness of God.


Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending end of month!
Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

TODAY’S MANNA for Saturday June 22, 2024

Complete protection in the ‘Secret Place’

You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
Psalm 91:5-6 New King James Version

You are completely protected in the ‘Secret Place’ with God.
No fear! If we are abiding in the “Secret Place” there He will cover us with His feathers and not even terrorists or criminals, flaming arrows from the evil one or sickness and disease or any other pestilence or peril will be able to come near us. It is impossible for any of that to come into contact with God Almighty, but we can! We can abide in His “Secret Place” and we can dwell in His shadow because He has given us mercy and grace through the Blood of Jesus. But we must come through Jesus as He has freed us of sin. We must come washed in the blood of Jesus. We can come no other way! There is NO other way! And we must remain, abide, dwell in His presence.

Holy Father, thank You for rescuing me from all the evil things that are in this world. Thank You Lord for Your protection and for the Blood of Jesus. Father, I thank You that I can come boldly into Your throne room and receive mercy and grace from You. That You will cover me and protect me from any of the evils of this world and all You ask in return is that I love You. Father I DO love you! In Jesus name I praise You.

Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending end of month!
Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

TODAY’S MANNA for Friday, June 21, 2024

Due to lack of any support this ministry will be ending end of month!
Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
Please help this ministry’s mailings to continue by supporting it! Give a donation or love offering on a regular basis. It’s easy!
You may send your donation/love offering to me via Paypal by using my link.
Any donation/love offering helps.
Here’s the link:

The “Secret Place” of the Most High God

A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you.
Psalm 91-7 New King James Version

In the “Secret Place” of the Most High God no evil can befall us, no foe can touch us.
No matter how we are attacked or persecuted if we are in that “Secret Place” of the Most High God no evil can befall us, no foe can touch us, no plague can get anywhere near us. It doesn’t say they won’t try to. It, God’s Word, just says they can’t get to us! We must learn to dwell, abide, to constantly live in that “Secret Place.” We must abide there, for if we are abiding there He will cover us with His feathers and even if ten thousand fall at my right hand none of them shall come near me! For He is my God and my Fortress and His angels have been given charge over me to keep His word concerning me. These are all promises God has made to His people and God is not a man He should lie! Promises that we must learn how to receive into our lives. How do you receive a gift when it is given to you?

Holy Father God, thank You for being my Fortress and my Refuge in life’s storms. Thank You Lord that You have covered me over and have delivered me from all evil. Lord, thank You that I can abide in that “Secret Place” with You at all times and that You are my comfort and my strength when I am weak. Thank You Lord for allowing me to be cleansed of all unrighteousness and sin so that I can fellowship with You. Thank You Lord for placing Your angels with charge over me to keep me in all my ways. Lord, thank You that when I set my love upon You, You deliver me from life’s trials and that You know my name! Through Jesus, my Lord and Saviour, I offer my thanks and praise.