Monthly Archives: December 2022

TODAY’S MANNA for Thursday Dec. 1, 2022

Having Patience To Wait

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Psalm 27:14 New International Version

Do You Have The Patience To Wait On The Lord?
Wait for it! Wait for it! Why do they always tell us to ‘Wait for it’?
If there is anything mankind, humans don’t like to do, it’s wait. Maybe that is why God is so interested in us learning to do it. There is something about remaining strong in tough times and remaining faithful when ill winds blow. So God gives us times of waiting (He doesn’t give us the tough times, We usually give them to ourselves!) to see if our search is really for Him or merely for something new. Press in to Him during these times and He will see you through! That’s really what wait on the Lord means, to press in and to serve Him! When you go to a restaurant the waiter serves you! He said if we would draw nigh unto Him that He would draw nigh unto us. To wait on the Lord means to press in to Him and serve Him, not stand back and do nothing.
(Heb 6:12 KJV) That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Loving Father, I know you have waited for me so many times. For me to show my faith, repent of my sins, to grow in holiness, to come to You in prayer, to act more mature, to give to those who cannot return my gift. Help me Lord as I wait for You to show me the way with my decisions, to meet my needs, and reveal Your presence in my loneliness. I really do seek You with all my heart. Father, as I press in to You I know You will show Yourself strong unto me. I know that You will meet me along the path as I draw near to You and You will be my buckler and my shield. Through Jesus, my Lord and King, I pray.

Christians don’t seem to understand you give to get. Some of you are NOT obeying God!
They would support sports or even gambling, but NOT a true Christian work!!
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