Monthly Archives: October 2020

TODAY’S MANNA for Thursday, Oct. 1, 2020

Seek Ye First God And His Kingdom In All You Do

But I will sing of Your mighty strength and power; yes I will sing aloud of Your mercy and loving kindness in the morning; for You have been to me a defense (a fortress and a high tower) and a refuge in the day of my distress.
Psalm 59:16 Amplified Bible

Seek first God!
So many things in our lives can be stolen away by natural disasters, aging, the cares of everyday life, the lust for things of this world, sickness, disease and death. Satan will take what ever opportunity we give him and he will exploit it, remember he only comes but to steal, kill, and destroy. Be careful that you do not leave even a tooth pick in the door for Satan to come through, he will wedge it open if you do! But God is immovable, un-stealable, un-corruptible, and unchangeable! When we invest ourselves in Him by seek Him and His Kingdom in all we do we can know our spirits are secure in His care. He is our fortress and our refuge. He changes not, nor will He ever leave us or forsake us as long as we press in and draw near to Him. If we seek Him and draw near to Him in the ’Secret Place’ He will hide & protect us under His wings (covering) from all that is going on around us. We must seek Him first and foremost above all else, yes even over our natural family, He is our Family. If we do, He said He will give us all those other things that everyone else is seeking. And He will be our Fortress and our Refuge.

Precious Father, Rock of my salvation, thank You for being unchangeable and faithful. Thank You for being the source of my security and my future in a day of chaos and change. Thank You for being God. My God. You are my God and in You I place my life, my hopes, and my future. May You be glorified in all I do and say. In Jesus name I pray.

God does NOT forget nor does He change.

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